Build a Smart portfolio with a strong core
If you’re looking for a solid foundation for your portfolio, our Core series is a great place to start.
What is the Core series?
The Core series is a unique selection of 10 funds that covers a broad range of markets, industries and asset classes. It has been designed to offer investors the building blocks for a diverse portfolio at a low cost.

Funds in the Core series

Smart S&P/NZX 50 ETF
Tracks the return of the S&P/NZX 50 Gross with Imputation Index, containing 50 of the largest NZX-listed companies, weighted by market capitalisation.

Smart Australian Top 200 ETF
Tracks the return of the S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index, containing 200 of the largest companies listed on the ASX.

Smart US 500 ETF
Tracks the return (before tax, fees and other expenses) of the S&P 500 Index. The Index is comprised of 500 of the largest listed companies in the United States.

Smart US 500 (NZD Hedged) ETF
Tracks the return (before tax, fees and other expenses) of the S&P 500 Dynamic Hedged NZD Index. The Index is comprised of 500 of the largest listed companies in the United States. The currency exposure is hedged to the New Zealand dollar.

Smart Total World ETF
Tracks the return of the FTSE Global All Cap Index, containing large, mid and small cap companies around the world.

Smart Total World (NZD Hedged) ETF
Tracks the return of the FTSE Global All Cap Index, containing large, mid and small cap companies around the world.

Smart S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond ETF
Tracks the return (before tax, fees and other expenses) of the S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Total Return Index. The Index is comprised of sovereign bonds issued by the New Zealand government.

Smart Global Government Bond ETF
Provides returns consistent with the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Treasuries (Scaled) Total Return Index (100% NZD Hedged), containing global government bonds.

Smart Global Aggregate Bond ETF
Tracks the return of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Total Return Index Hedged NZD, containing global corporate bonds.

Smart NZ Cash ETF
Designed to provide a return that outperforms the S&P/NZX Bank Bills 90-Day Total Return Index over rolling one-year periods.
Learn more about each fund
For more details about the funds in the Core series, you can download the relevant fund report, or view and compare the funds’ performance data and fees.